21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

This year at New Life Church we are moving into a season of prayer & fasting. Of course, nobody HAS to fast; but, when you understand what the Bible teaches on fasting, you’ll realize that we “get to” fast.  It’s actually an incredible opportunity.

In both the Old and New Testament, God powerfully rewarded those who fasted. “Those who fast get healing” (Isaiah 58).  Jesus said, “those who fast get power over demonic oppression” (Mark 9).  Again, Isaiah said,  those who fast will live like kings — You’ll “ride on the heights of the land” (Isaiah 58);  When Ezra fasted, God gave protection over his kids & possessions.  When Daniel fasted, God gave him understanding (Daniel 9).  When Abraham’s servant fasted, God gave him a woman! (Genesis 24) (Some of you men suddenly started taking notes).  When Jesus started his earthly ministry, one of the first things He did was fast. And don’t misunderstand me:  fasting won’t make God love you more. You can’t earn your way into Heaven. However, like the author of Hebrews reminds us: “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Fasting is never easy, but it is a powerful way to discover all of the  ways we comfort ourselves outside of Christ and His word, and a way to seek Him more.

From a biblical perspective fasting is about abstaining from food.  We love food!  We need food.  However, fasting doesn’t always mean just abstaining from food.  You can fast almost anything.  For example, people will often fast sweets, desserts and candy, movies, social media, or even coffee.  As a staff this year we have decided to take on 21 days of prayer and fasting by doing the Daniel Fast, see more below. In the truest sense, fasting is a process of abstaining from something for the purpose of worship, prayer, self-discipline and seeking God at a deeper level..  

Fasting is one of the few spiritual disciplines that reveals the truest state of our self-denial muscles. And if that sounds scary, consider your alternatives: crisis and moral failure also reveal this.  So, we have a choice: preventive humility vs. humiliation.

So how do I participate?  Well, quite simply, pray about what God would have you fast & simply join in, January 9th through the 29th! Spiritual disciplines like this can actually be quite fun when you’re doing it alongside a big group of people. Then join us on our social media platforms each day at noon for a quick live Devotion with our staff.

But first, let’s get practical- if you have never done this before there are some tips on fasting to make this a fun experience:
(1).  Choose what to fast: Many of the staff here at New Life are partaking in the “Daniel Fast”, it is a specific food fast only eating plant-based meals that are nutritious and delicious, while setting aside other foods as an act of worship and sacrifice to the Lord. For more information on what the Daniel Fast is and a list of food, read HERE.
- If you want to read about the different types of fasts people try read HERE
(2).  When you fast, do it with Friends!  During these 21 days we are doing this as a team! It helps to process your experience with other people. It also keeps you encouraged while you fast!

(3).  Give yourself extra margin and rest. When you fast, plan on going to bed early.

(4).  Drink lots of water:  You can’t survive long without water.  Some prefer Gatorade (for electrolytes – without them, your body will shut down). And some people drink juice.

(5).  Can fasting be Dangerous? Potentially.  It can also be incredibly healthy too.  It takes about 21 days before starvation symptoms set in; so, don’t worry that you’re going to die after a 24 hour fast. 🙂  If pregnant/nursing/diabetic/etc, get counsel before any extended fast. Obviously, if you’re really worried about sickness by doing a fruit & vegetable fast, try focusing on one meal or one food group to cut out- like sweets or caffeine (soda, energy drinks, coffee).  Lastly, if you have a history of eating disorders, or struggle with your relationship with food please seek counsel on how to safely begin any kind of fast involving food.

(6). When fasting, stay in an Attitude of Worship (Isaiah 58).  It sounds obvious but, remember that you’re worshipping God when you do this. So, if all you do is whine the whole time, you’re defeating the whole purpose!  Keep in mind, God responds powerfully when we seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

(7). Make a fasting Calendar:  You don‘t have to give up variety to fast.  So when you map out your 21 days… while a few people  do “juice only” for 21 days straight, more often, its nice to mix it up.  For example,  do 4 days of fruits and vegetables only (a.k.a., a Daniel Fast), then a juice only day, then a free day.  We’ve found that this kind of variety helps you stay in a worshipful attitude more.  Having a “free-day” also helps if you have some sort of inescapable hosting situation (like a birthday) where you’re making your guests feel awkward by staring at them while they eat. But experiment for yourself.  Remember, this should be a fun yet challenging experience.

(8). Participate as a Family:  Kids can 100% participate too. One of our NLC Kids in the past have fasted video-games. Another fasted sweets and  another their precious iPhone. Use this as an opportunity to share your faith with your own family. Share prayer requests and set fasting goals. There is nothing more exciting than watching your family experience supernatural breakthroughs.


Finally here are some resources to get you started on this 21 Day journey of Prayer and Fasting:
  • We are kicking off this year with a series called “Pray First” all about why we fast and what the Bible has to say about prayer & fasting HERE
  • Add us on social media to join our live devotionals, daily at 12 pm CST. 
  • Looking for  a Prayer Guide to help lead you through your quiet time for 21 days?
  • Do your kids want to participate? There is a Prayer Guide for them as well!
  • Click HERE for a list and printable version of foods you can eat on the Daniel Fast 
Want to try the Daniel Fast and need some recipes? Visit HERE
  • Use this focused prayer list to intentionally pray for 10 (or more!) people!
  • Other great churches have more resources too. Here’s a link to even more.